Berkeley Plantation Graveyard

Charles City 1, Charles City, Virginia, United States


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It is the birthplace of Benjamin Harrison, V, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and ninth president William Henry Harrison, "Old Tippecanoe." It is the ancestral home of his grandson, twenty-third president Benjamin Harrison. His spouse and First Lady, Caroline Scott Harrison, lent her prestige to the founding of the NSDAR. She served as its first President General, 1890. Taps was first played here in 1864. Col. Benjamin Harrison, V, December 13, 1730 - April 24, 1791. Signer of the Declaration of Independence, Member of House of Burgess, Continental Congress, Federal Governor of Virginia, father and great-grandfather of two presidents of the United States. John H Harrison 1822-1859
Berkeley Plantation Graveyard, Created by JohnsonBoys, Charles City 1, Charles City, Virginia, United States