Grave of John Morrell

Northam, Western Australia, Australia


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A tablet erected at the grave commemorates John Morrell, founder of Northam who died in 1843. The tablet was erected and the grave dedicated during Western Australia's centenary celebrations in 1929. The grave was re-erected by Morell`s descendants in 1965. Morell was first settler to farm in the Northam district and has been given the title Founder of Northam. He reportedly caught a chill and died shortly after jumping into Northam Pool to rescue an employee who had fallen in whilst washing sheep. On Friday afternoon the Northam Centenary Committee held its principal celebration, when the grave of the founder of Northam, John Morrell, and those of Peter Chidlow and Edward Jones, who were associated with him as pioneers of the district, were dedicated as historic sites by his Excellency the Governor (Sir William Campion). The graves are on Doctor's Hill, about a mile from the town. The Governor, in dedicating the grave of John Morrell, said that a great debt of gratitude was owed to the founder of Northam, and to those early pioneers associated with him in the settlement of the district who had done so much to make the present prosperity. Western Mail (Perth), 3rd October 1929.
Grave of John Morrell, Created by BillionGraves, Northam, Western Australia, Australia