Bridgeforth Cemetery

Tanner, Limestone, Alabama, United States


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A 1915 survey map showed this cemetery contained about 30 graves. The following memorials are from the Wheeler Reservoir Cemeteries and TVA removal records. Location: From Hwy 72, take Lucas Ferry Rd. south. Travel about 3.3 miles till the pavement ends at Bridgeforth and Harris Station Rd cross. Travel over to the gravel road ahead. This road is now named Dairy Rd. Drive approximately 1 mile rough gravel road till you see a right turn. You pass the Lucas Cemetery that is fenced it on the left. Drive till it forks. Take the right turn here. I drove a short distance and stopped. Although it was during an unseasonably dry season for Alabama, The road became not drive able, it was dried out swamp. Walked a few feet and looked out to the island that was surrounded by water where the cemetery is rumored to be. The only way to get there is by small watercraft. The Tennessee River has flooded countless times over the century. Sadly, their headstones might be lost but their names will not be lost as well.
Bridgeforth Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Tanner, Limestone, Alabama, United States