Garrison Cemetery

Dacoma, Alfalfa, Oklahoma, United States


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Cemetery notes and/or description:\nSection 6 Township 25 Range 12\nThe Garrison Cemetery Association was formed on March 19, 1903. The plot was deeded to the association for $75. This cemtery is located two miles east and on-half mile north of Dacoma. It was agreed and stipulated in the deed that it would not allow Black Locust trees to be planted on said grounds.\nMoses Garrison, who was living with his son\'s family passed away July 3, 1894. At this time the Garrisons decided that there was a need for a community cemetery and wanted a portion of their farm used for this purpose, sot the father\'s was the first grave here. Soon thereafter the baby son of Charley and Mattie Leslie was moved to the new cemetery from the Leslie farm. Mr. Garrison\'s mother, Elisabeth, who had died in Kansas in 1886, was soon removed and laid beside her husband, Moses.\nNinety years later, this cemetery continues to serve the Dacoma area and surrounding community.
Garrison Cemetery, Created by Tim, Dacoma, Alfalfa, Oklahoma, United States